From a basic yet not easy to accomplish need to recruit to rethinking organizational structure and change management strategies, there are a number of ways we can assist our clients to achieve their strategic goals. Consultants that are open, honest, and upfront can make a significant – and positive – impact on their clients’ businesses.
From a basic yet not easy to accomplish need to recruit to rethinking organizational structure and change management strategies, there are a number of ways we can assist our clients to achieve their strategic goals. Consultants that are open, honest, and upfront can make a significant – and positive – impact on their clients’ businesses.

The case: Post M&A Integration
- Company A, part of a big international Group, acquired Company B. The aim was to integrate the two companies into one stronger organization, with minimum disruption of the businesses during the acquisition and integration process.
- The approach to change management was to find light & versatile methods and tactics to smoothly implement the organizational changes with little or no burden on the current business. Consequently, the key factor on implementing this change was not WHAT to do, but HOW do it (simple, agile, effective).
Similar with any other change, one of the biggest constraints of the project was people resources & their engagement for this change. The project needed people with specific competencies irregularly required over time and the business could « spare » only 2 resources to be dedicated fully to these projects.
Our Approach
- Arthur Hunt consultant’s presence on site made it easy to have managers involved and stay connected, and assisted leadership team to take actions with care.
- Move from heavy project management planning to small steps & flexible planning – Plan ahead but not stick mechanically to a plan -continuously anticipate the risks and adjust the plan to mitigate them
- Light & Flexible teams – Small dedicated team of permanent members to ensure continuity and in/out temporary resources “rented” from the business or external market
- Less is more – Reusing the exiting tools, routines to perform the project activities rather than inventing new ones
- Granular resource planning – identify the capacity & competence shortages and temporary renting them (from the business or from the external market)
- Protect business as usual and adapt project to fit business routines, not the other way around
- Speed – Push the change and stay close & support employees to implement it
Our Impact
- Maxim 10% staff turnover in the first 3 months post integration – 100% achieved
- 100% legal compliance of the acquisition
- Clear allocation of the activities between the two entities starting with Week 1 of the acquisition – 100% achieved
- Process & practice integration – done
- Integration of the IT systems – 12 months after the acquisition – 100% Done
- The system is stabilized within 8 weeks from Go Live (zero errors) – 100%
The case: Restructuring
- An international leading industrial company had experienced significant losses – driven by one particular production facility in a context of economic crisis
- The plant in focus suffered from various major operational issues including high scrape rates, low efficiency, and high staff turnover leading to a reliance on expensive contracted labor.
In light of a global situation and a potential closure, the client needed a rapidly-executed yet comprehensive turnaround plan that summarized and addressed all major operational issues.
Our Approach
- Arthur Hunt helped the industrial customer to define and implement the restructuring plan by
- Preparation: stakeholder analysis, closure strategy, communication strategy, risk analysis and mitigation
- Project management: define project team, define success factors, engagement, progress monitor
- Assistance in implementation: assistance in project actions, facilitation and meetings organisation, HR communication, training
- Internal &external communication: define communication plan, communication pack, training of communication actors, monitoring efficiency
- Outplacement: assistance in social plan definition, career workshops, identification of job opportunities
Our Impact
– zero legal complaint for social issues – avoidance of strikes and sabotage actions – smooth transfer of production to other sites within the group

The Case: Crisis Management
Delivering an efficient interim management solution for a HealthCare company in the middle of a mediatic Crisis, with high potential for severe Legal consequences with the aim to turn-around or close business in max. 2 years.
Our Approach
- Understand Client’s immediate risk and create a sense of urgency in implementing a transitory solution to gain clarity on local branch’s perspective:
- Diligently created an Actor’s map to increase awareness of the group on main forces within the local team, some that caused the reputational damage and media exposure in the first place
- Allocate HR resources, execute project briefing and assign research team tasks for quick identification of top candidates in Healthcare, Monitor progress and quality of the search process.
- Managed a highly intense communication with lawyers to conclude a transition management contract between the selected candidate and the HQ
Performing onboarding activities and follow up actions focused on candidate’s integration for 3 months post project.
Our Impact
Based on our market analysis, the client hired a senior expert who managed to bring the business on breakeven and keep the local subsidiary open beyond the 2 years assignment.