Post M&A Integration
General Overview
We acknowledge the fact that M&A does not end when the transaction is finalised. This is the point when the real work starts to build a new organization able to deliver the forecasted business benefits. Also, this is the moment when the two organizations have already consumed most of their energetic resources on the transaction itself and do not have the ENERGY, nor the TIME or EXPERTISE to manage the integration.
Our approach is first to drive, advise and assist the leaders to safely and smoothly implement the legal transaction, by preparing the post-merger/ acquisition integration of the organizations in order to fulfil the targeted business benefits.
Secondly, we assist the clients with the necessary framework and proceedings in order to ensure the alignment of the post merge / acquisition organization, its structure, processes, people and assets, and at the same time be in full compliance with legal and corporate regulations.
What we offer
- Ensure a complete and easily manageable process for the client, by implementing a well-structured approach for the whole operation (organizational and legal), by having establishing intermediate steps, monitoring deliverables and deadlines, focusing on the delivery of the objectives set by the client
- We guide you to identify the impact of the change on different facets of the organization, the organizational culture and the people and identify optimisation areas
- We support you to manage the transition from two separate organization to one robust organization – manage the change at the organizational level as well as at people level
- We provide specialized services and practical solutions to minimize the social impact of the employees and when case support for finding alternative employment options
- We provide the necessary legal support in the purpose of ensuring the corporate governance, contractual and operational integration, by preparing addenda to existing contracts, implementing corporate structure changes, assistance in individual / collective labour law negotiations or conflicts;
- We provide support regarding the internal and external adequate communication for mitigating potential reputational, image damages and negative operational impact pragmatic, but details oriented approach
- We support in developing people and teams to better suits the new organization ambitions (training & development, assessment, leadership & teams harmonization, cultural integration).
- Advices, tools and methodologies required to manage the project according with the legislative framework and with the client objectives
- A whole range of services from different areas: HR, Legal Organizational Design & Change Management, Project Management
- Offer integrated services from strategies and approaches to tactics and clear actions bundled into a coherent project plan that is monitored until the project is completed